Scenes featuring both Clint Harrlord and Marco Pirelli

(The pictures are from those scenes…)

 – Body
Marco Pirelli – body shot from Bentley Race from the scene "Marco Pirelli's Fat Italian Cock"
 – Bottoming
Clint Harrlord bottoming @ Bentley Race from the scene "Marco and Clint's Grinding Fuck Show"
 – Bottoming
Clint Harrlord bottoming @ Bentley Race from the scene "Marco and Clint's Grinding Fuck Show"
 – Body
Marco Pirelli – body shot from Bentley Race from the scene "Marco Pirelli's Fat Italian Cock"
 – Body
Marco Pirelli – body shot from Bentley Race from the scene "Marco Pirelli's Fat Italian Cock"
 – Bottoming
Clint Harrlord bottoming @ Bentley Race from the scene "Marco and Clint's Grinding Fuck Show"